Q&A: How to automatically schedule sponsored ads/ppc and save money? (aka Dayparting)

Did you know that every marketplace has “high shopping times” when people are clicking to buy, and “low shipping times” when people click just to look around?

The problem, is that Amazon has NO problem showing your ads to people who are very unlikely to buy, but more than happy to spend your valuable advertising budget.

Rather than manually log in and disable/re-enable your ads every morning and night, Amachete makes it easy to automatically schedule your campaigns to turn on and off when people are actually shopping.

Here’s how:

(Assuming you’ve already activated the PPC link)

1. Click on the AD TIMER logo on the menu.

2. There you’ll see a list of your currently scheduled timers. If this is your first timer, you won’t see anything, except for a blank screen, which I guess counts as something.

3. After you click the only button you can click on the screen you’ll be presented with a list of your advertising profiles. It’ll look a lot like this.  Just click on the one that has a campaign (or campaigns) that you’d like to automate.

4.  You’ll then see a list of campaigns you can specify that you’d like to automate.  The # on the far right is the number of keywords in that campaign.

5.  This is where the magic happens.  Chart magic.

This is a chart of your sale volume over the last 30 days.  As you can see from this chart sales pick up right around 6am, and drop off pretty sharply at around 9pm.

6.  So, below that we’ll specify the following hours for the advertising schedule.

7.   Then click CREATE TIMER  and you’re DONE.

Amachete will now automatically turn on and off your campaigns at those times every day and night.

*Note: We automatically convert all times so they display in the timezone of the target marketplace.

Happy Selling!

Team Amachete

Q&A: How can I download all my reviews using Amachete?

Periodically you might want to have a full copy of all your reviews.  Now you can download them in a CSV from Amachéte in exactly three clicks.

    1. Click on the REVIEW MONITOR option on the side menu.
    2. You’ll see a list of your products with their review totals and averages for each marketplace
    3. Click on one of the marketplaces

    1. This will take you to a page where you can see all of the reviews for your product.

    1. For your third and final click, the green download button is your best bet.

  1. Then you’ll receive a lovely CSV file which you can use to search through your reviews, sort them by date, sort them by rating, and you’ll even have the URL/HTTP Web link for each order so you can see it on the web.

Happy Selling!

Team Amachete